A Penance Service will be held March 26, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in the church.
Annual Catholic Appeal
Ash Wednesday was the kickoff to the 2023 Annual Catholic Appeal “Radiate the Light of Christ.” Through the Annual Catholic Appeal, we as Catholics connect with thousands of people across Western Massachusetts who need the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.
Holy Hour for Vocations March 26
Join us for Holy Hour for Vocations. All are invited! March 26th at St. Michael’s Cathedral 2 – 3 pm.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary, a 100-year old apostolate of lay Catholics, is faithfully represented here at Holy Name Parish.
Thank You to Tom Veto
We wish musician Tom Veto all the best on his retirement! Many thanks for your 52 years of service to Holy Name!
Lenten Schedule / Horario de Cuaresma
Download Our Lenten Calendar: Lenten Calendar 2023Download Bible Study with Fr. Barrent on Ten Commandments Sundays at...
Vocations Event February 21 / Hora Santa Eucarística para orar por las vocaciones al Sacerdocio
Come pray with us at 6 pm for a Holy Hour for Vocations on Tuesday, February 21. After the Holy Hour, there will be a discussion on the priesthood for men ages high school and older.
Ash Wednesday Masses / Misas durante el Miercoles de ceniza
MASSES AT: 8:15A.M.; 12:00NOON; 5:30P.M.; AND 7:00P.M. SPANISH MASS
Acompañenos a recitar el Santo Rosario en Español todos los Domingos antes de La Santa Misa. Este comienza a las 11:45am....
Special Collection Weekend of Feb. 11-12
Next weekend will be special collections for Catholic Home Missions, Black and Indian Missions, Catholic University and...