Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary, a 100-year old apostolate of lay Catholics, is faithfully represented here at Holy Name Parish. We have groups in both Spanish (Tuesday nights) and English (Thursday nights). Both meetings run from 6:00 to 7:15 PM and take place in the church cry room (cuarto de los ninos). Come pray with us and be formed into the saint that you were born to be!
Contact: Matt Hegarty Text: 413-433-5169. Email: mhegarty1989@gmail.com.
Bakers for finger desserts are needed for various Parish functions, like the Annual Craft Fair or Celebrations.
Contact: Mary Ann Maloney at (413) 737-8036
Pioneer Valley Project
Concerned about our neighborhoods. Concerned about the future of our community.
Empowering people to voice their decisions and shape their lives.
Holy Name is one of 26 congregations, unions and organizations working to create a better “Greater Springfield”
Food Pantry
Parishioners donate non-perishable goods. You can help by donating non-perishable food (leave at Church door).
Please check bulletin for foods requested. Food is given directly to the Open Pantry.
Contact: Mary Ann Maloney at (413)737-8036
Loaves and Fishes
Provide a monthly meal for the homeless at South Congregational Church on Maple Street the first Monday of every month.
Help by cooking or serving.
Contact: Ann Fabrycki at 733-5823
Religious Education
Provides Religious Education for parish youth and trains teachers.
Confirmation – celebrated in the Spring of each year for young adults in Grades 9 and older.
R.C.I.A. – Adults wishing to receive Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation
prepare to receive the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil.
Contact the Rectory at 733-5823.
Baptisms – Parents wishing to have children baptized at Holy Name
must meet for an interview and information session with the program director.
Baptisms are scheduled on weekends.
Volunteers are also needed to sew Baptismal robes.
Contact Anne Marie Ferraro at (413) 733-5823.
Spanish Ministry
Participants attend the 12:30 pm Sunday Liturgy
Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm
Bible study meets on Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 pm
Prayer groups meet in various houses.
Holy Name Athletic Association
The Holy Name Athletic Association offers organized sports for children of our parish and our community.